Friday, September 24, 2010

God Behind the Scenes

God Behind the Scenes

It’s so important that we know that God is always working on our behalf.  It isn’t that He is simply on call, but rather that God is omnipresent in our life at all times. Psalm 121:4 tells us that our God never slumbers nor sleeps. 2Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of [them] whose heart [is] perfect toward him.”  With purpose God is working night and day.

God is truly working behind the scenes in our lives.  Nothing, not one thing, happens in our life that God is not completely aware of it, long before it happens.  What difference should this knowledge of our God make in the life of God’s children?

Our minds run quickly to John 9 and the story of the blind young man.  The disciples were curious as to why he had been born blind.  Some turn to John 9 and read loudly verses 1-3.  What does this tell us about the work of the Lord?  How should this change the way we react to negative circumstances in our life? 

Imagine if God’s people could see the benefit of sufferings, trials and seeming misfortunes.  Someone turn and read loudly Ps. 68:19.  If God loads our day with benefits, then obviously, even out trials are beneficial to our life.  Listen as I read Romans. 5:3-4.

Romans 8:28 is not over quoted: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.”

Turn to Job 1:6-12. 

If ever there were a story in the Bible that exemplified God working behind the scenes in someone’s life, it would be the story of Job.  But, do not be alarmed to know that God was working behind the scenes when:
Your alarm clock malfunctioned
You were stuck by the train……….. twice!
The rain delay
The drought
The mistake
The accident
The funeral

What comfort there is to the child of God who knows and believes that God can lose site of nothing.  Every single, little thing is an opportunity for us to express our belief that God’s grace is sufficient in our life. Don’t lose sight of this truth!

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