Friday, September 24, 2010

True Life Is In Christ

The Life of Jesus Christ 1b
“Life Is In Christ”
John 1:1-5

Dialogue Challenge:
In your search for life, what kept you from seeing the light? (to be discussed at the end of the lesson if time permits)

John’s Gospel is very special.  Though the book is entirely about the life of Christ, it does not include the entire life of Christ.  One very important part of Jesus’ life is never mentioned, His Birth.

Instead, John highlights Christ as Creator and Savior.  Vs. 3 and 4.

What does John mean when he says that Jesus is the “…light of men.” Vs. 4.

Life is the Word
The first thing we learn about Jesus is that He is the Word. Vs. 1 says, “In the beginning was the Word…”

What an interesting way to describe the Son of God.  “…the Word.”  It’s believed that John may have chosen this title because of the interest it would build among the Jews.  For no Jew ever doubted that God spoke the world into existence.  To refer to God’s Son (and fellow Creator) as “the Word” helped to emphasize the deity of Christ.

The deity of Christ is clearly seen in verses 1-3. Let’s read together.

Deity defined: “divine character or nature… to be equated with God”

Did You Know?
Jesus used every available opportunity to claim His deity.  Every chapter of the book of John includes at least one instance of Christ equating Himself with His Father.
The main emphasis of the entire book is the deity of Christ.

Why was it important that Jesus establish the truth of His deity to the world?

The Word Man
A God who cannot know the affections of man can not relate to His creation.  With the coming of God to earth in the form of sinful man, God made Himself to know humanity.  This is seen in verse 14. Let’s read together.

In coming to earth in the form of man, God can now relate to man.  He left almost everything about His nature to be the Savior.  The one thing He did not lose was His glory.

With this in mind, a great question is to be asked:  Why do we rejoice when a lost sinner comes to know Christ as Savior?

Let’s discuss our “Dialogue Challenge.”

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