Friday, September 24, 2010

The Shepherd of My Sanctification

The Life of Jesus Christ 10b
“The Shepherd of My Sanctification”
John 6:37-40  and  John 17:1-26

Question: If given a choice between free 1st quality clothing and free 2nd/3rd quality clothing (and which would you choose?  Unfortunately, many Christians today choose to live 2nd/3rd quality lives.  To not live a 1st quality life is an insult to the cross of Christ… for, in dying, He paid to give us “abundant” life. John 10:10.  Turn and read.

In the morning sermon I mentioned that the greater theme of the Bible is “for God’s people to be a separated, sanctified people for His glory.”  It’s interesting how we gladly receive His salvation, rest in His security…. but run from sanctification. Can someone please explain why we, as God’s people, hesitate (if not completely abandon) sanctification.

Sanctification Defined
Justified: the legal term used to describe the spiritual standing of every true Christian.  Justification takes place the moment we come into a saved relationship with God through His Son.
Sanctified: the life long process of cleansing from the world/sin.

Adam was given a choice between celebrating life or mourning death, and… he chose death. From that day forward, God has been setting apart His people from the world.
Will someone please turn and read 1John 2:15? 

Another equal theme of the Bible might be “separating the good from the bad.”  Once again we are led to the thought “good” being a word of comparison.
·         Jacob/Esau
·         Sheep/Goats
·         Wheat/Tares
·         Holiness/Evil
Worldliness is Idolatry
When the Corinthian church was entertaining the thought of idol worship, Paul reminded them of the Lord’s words… “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you.”

In it but not of it
John 15:19-20
John 17:14-16
John 18:36
Eph. 5:22-33

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